Best courses for grade C and below in Kenya

The Best Courses for Grade C and Below in Kenya 2024


I am pretty sure ,every year KCSE results has get thousands wondering what could be the best courses for grade C and below in Kenya. We live in the era of “wokeness” so as much as many people try to dismiss education as the key to success, it is still a bridge to it.Education is a powerful tool that has the potential to transform lives and open doors to endless opportunities—your education is different from your schooling, education goes beyond classrooms. For a long time it has always been believed that if you do not get grade B and above then that is a fail in Kenya.

This blog post is about to end that perception and take you through some of the best courses for grade C and below in Kenya. You cannot change what others think of the C students but the truth is students who may not have achieved the highest grades still have numerous options to pursue meaningful and rewarding careers.

If you are reading this, you must have a hunch on why most C students succeed in life compared to B and A students—the reason behind this is not only limited to determination but a number of courses available for those with Grade C and below.

Before I take you through some of the best courses for grade C and below in Kenya, here are some of the reasons why grade C students tend to succeed in life compared to B and A students.

Resilience and Determination

C students may have faced challenges during their academic journey, fostering resilience and determination. These qualities can be valuable in navigating the complexities of life and the workplace. Most B and A students lack this because they think they are smart enough.

Real-world Skills

A students may excel in academic settings, but C students might focus more on practical, real-world skills. Success in the modern world often requires a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical application, and C students may be adept at the latter. This is a good enough reason why most interviewers will nowadays tend to ask the skills you have besides your academic achievements.

Creativity and Innovation

Knowing very well, they are not good in academics compared to B and A students, C students might be more inclined to think outside the box and approach problems with creativity. In the real world, innovation and adaptability are crucial for success, and individuals who think creatively may find unique solutions to challenges.

Networking and Interpersonal Skills

Your network is your networth.Success in many fields often involves effective communication, networking, and interpersonal skills. C students may have honed these skills through collaboration and social interactions, enabling them to build strong professional relationships.

Entrepreneurial Spirit

I myself is a B student but I know how this works, most C students tend to venture into businesses because why not?— the best entrepreneurs in the world are people like Mark Zuckerbeg and they do not have a proper education history. Isn’t that enough inspiration? Most C students possess an entrepreneurial spirit, willing to take risks and pursue unconventional paths. Entrepreneurship often involves learning through experience, and the ability to adapt and persevere in the face of challenges can lead to success.

Passion and Pursuit of Personal Goals

While many people could be quick to judge, it is worth realizing that a fraction of C students might have sacrificed academics for passion. Success is often associated with finding fulfillment in one’s endeavors, and following one’s passion can be a key driver of success.

Best Courses for Grade C and Below in Kenya

The following is a list of best courses for grade C and below in Kenya.

Best courses for grade C and below in Kenya
Best courses for grade C and below in Kenya

Diploma in Business Management

If you look at it from the general meaning of business management, you might ask yourself whose business are you going to manage as a C student? This is however not the case, a diploma in business management provides a solid foundation in essential business skills. Students can learn about management principles, marketing, finance, and entrepreneurship not just to manage someone business but their own because as I have told you earlier, this lot has that entrepreneurial spirit.

Diploma in Business Management is great for any C student because business skills are highly valued in today’s job market.

Certificate/Diploma in Information Technology

Technology is always changing and with every single change, it means the future. With the increasing reliance on technology right from law, business management to governance, a certificate or diploma in information technology introduces C students to basic IT concepts, computer programming, and software applications.

The IT industry is constantly growing, and pursuing diploma or certificate in IT equips you with more technical skills compared to B or A student pursuing the same as a degree. These skills can also help you secure entry-level positions in IT support and administration.Certificate or Diploma in IT is up there as one of the best courses for grade C and below in Kenya.

Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management

Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management is one of the best courses for grade C and below in Kenya. This diploma program focuses on the hospitality and tourism industry, covering topics such as hotel management, travel and tourism, and customer service. Most B and A student who pursue hospitality and tourism tend to despise jobs such as Customer service because they feel it is not their level. Such jobs are however in abundance all over the country so if you are a C student and want a job, make a choice!

Also, Kenya’s tourism sector is a significant contributor to the economy, offering diverse career opportunities for individuals with skills in hospitality and tourism management.

Certificate in Early Childhood Development Education

With Kenya’s growing population, there will always be children who need attention. This certificate program is designed for those interested in working with young children. It covers aspects of child development, teaching methodologies, and classroom management.

Certificate in ECDE is one of the best courses for grade C and below in Kenya because the demand for qualified early childhood educators is on the rise and pursuing this course equips individuals with the skills to contribute to the development of young minds. Attending to and teaching children isn’t an easy task, no one wants to do that so if you are a C student and you think you can make a great educator to children, pursue this course and be sure of a job.

Best courses for grade C and below in Kenya
Best courses for grade C and below in Kenya

Finally as I conclude, I want to make it clear that this is not a blog post that tries to dismiss grades as being relevant. Grades are important; they just do not define a person’s potential or limit their possibilities. These best courses for grade C and below in Kenya provide avenues for personal and professional growth. By choosing the right course, individuals can embark on fulfilling careers that align with their interests and contribute to the overall development of society. Education is a lifelong journey that cannot be determined with a single result.


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