Online writing and blogging

Online Writing and Blogging—The 2 Popular aspects of writing People Often confuse


The confusion between online writing and blogging has been witnessed for years since the inception of digital media and online jobs. Even though these two have by far totally different meaning, it is not strange coming across someone who does blogs but refers to himself/herself as an online writer. And the vice versa is also true.

One thing is clear about online writing and blogging—they both involve writing. Theses writing aspects however possess distinct characteristics that set them apart. Understanding these differences is key to navigating the diverse terrain of digital content creation. As someone who does blogging and with a background in online writing, I have compiled for you these differences to better your understanding of these ever confusing terms.

Online Writing and Blogging Explained


Online writing and blogging
Online writing and blogging/the meaning of blogging

Blogging is the art of personal expression but in form of writing. A blog thus is a dynamic platform where individuals or groups share their thoughts, experiences, expertise, and perspectives. It’s a digital journal that has evolved into a powerful tool for personal expression, storytelling, and community engagement. A very candid example is what doing in this article; I am blogging—in a nutshell I am giving my perspective of online writing and blogging.

It also common to come across people in digital marketing call themselves bloggers because they have huge social media following or maybe because they have been chose to be brand ambassadors of a certain product. I hate to disagree but that is not blogging that is influencing.

Here are some characteristics of blogging as a writing aspect;

Personal Tone

Blogging is often characterized by a conversational and personal tone. Bloggers often infuse their personality, anecdotes, and opinions into their posts, creating an intimate connection with their audience.

Niche Focused

While some normally cover wide range of niches, blogs typically revolve around a particular niche or subject. Be it food, travel, fashion, technology, or any other interest, the content is tailored to cater to a specific audience with shared passions.

Interaction and Community Building

One of the distinguishing features of online writing and blogging is the fostering of communities. Bloggers engage with their readers through comments, social media, and discussions, building a loyal following.

Online Writing

Online writing comprises of a broader spectrum, encompassing a multitude of formats and purposes. It includes articles, essays, copywriting, product descriptions, news pieces, and more. Unlike blogs, online writing is more diverse in its approach and serves various objectives. The high demand for essays articles, copywriting or even assignments in the education sector in recent years has seen online writing give birth to online writing jobs as form of remote jobs for many in Africa and across the globe.

Online writing and blogging
Online writing and blogging

This again brings out the other key difference between online writing and blogging— most if not all online writing are often money oriented unlike blogging which can just be purely passion.

Here are some characteristics of online writing;

Objective and Informative

Online writing, in its broader sense, tends to be more objective and information-driven. Whether it’s a news article, copywriting, or an educational piece, the emphasis is on delivering factual and informative content.

Varied Formats

Unlike blogs, online writing isn’t confined to a specific format or style. It adapts to the purpose and platform—ranging from short-form to long-form, incorporating referencing techniques for research purposes and adopting a more formal tone for academic or technical content.

Professional and Commercial

While blogs can also serve commercial purposes, online writing often aligns more with professional and commercial objectives. It’s frequently used for marketing, advertising, journalism, or educational purposes, catering to a wider audience and often associated with established platforms or publications.

Online Writing and Blogging in Content Creation

While the differences between online writing and blogging are distinct, they often intertwine, creating a dynamic content ecosystem. Blogs often incorporate elements of online writing, integrating informative articles or commercial content within their niche-focused platform. Likewise, online publications and websites frequently adopt a more conversational tone akin to blogging to engage their audience more effectively.

It is however worth noting that understanding the nuances between these two realms empowers creators to leverage the strengths of both, crafting content that resonates with their audience while meeting their diverse objectives. In this dynamic digital landscape, the synthesis of online writing and blogging creates a synergy that amplifies the impact and reach of content creation.


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