Masculinity by Amerix

Masculinity by Amerix: 7 Essential Lessons for Men


Masculinity by Amerix has been the talk on twitter(now X) since early 2020. His real name not known by many but some sources say he is Eric—known only on X as Amerix has amassed huge following on the app with his masculinity teachings for men.

With the hashtag MasculinitySaturday, masculinity by Amerix has become one of the biggest trends in Kenya .Teachings of masculinity, a project initially started to counter toxic feminism promotes virtue, wisdom, tolerance, healthy living and resilience amongst men.

Masculinity by Amerix
Masculinity by Amerix

These masculinity teachings by Amerix have stood the test of time and continue to offer valuable insights into leading a meaningful and fulfilling life as man.Some of the most revered terms that Amerix likes to use are “do not be a simp and unfat” In this blog post I will take you through 7 lessons I have learnt from following Amerix that are beyond simping and unfating.

Be Tolerant with Other Men and Strict with Yourself

Masculinity by Amerix emphasizes the importance of empathy and understanding when dealing with other men. Empathy amongst men is something we lack compared to ladies amongst themselves. But a man having empathy for a lady for some sexual favors is what Amerix refers as “simping” .Amerix encourages men to be patient and tolerant, recognizing that everyone is struggling with their own battles. Simultaneously, he wants men to maintain strict self-discipline even though he often makes this point come out sarcastically because self-discipline is up to you.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

As man I will admit on behalf of most men, we are afraid of asking for help because we will be viewed as weak men. Masculinity by Amerix doesn’t advocate for an isolated existence. Seeking assistance when needed is a sign of strength, not weakness. Recognizing our limitations and reaching out for support fosters a sense of community and cooperation. It’s through mutual aid that we can navigate life’s challenges more effectively. The only weak men in the eyes of Amerix are the ones who simp and do not hit the gym.

Anger Is the Opposite of Strength

In a world where anger often seems like a natural response, Amerix teaches men that true strength lies in restraint. Anger, he believes, clouds judgment and hinders rational thinking. By mastering our emotions and responding with equanimity, we can make wiser decisions and maintain healthier relationships.

Masculinity by Amerix
Masculinity by Amerix

No One Can Make You Upset — You Choose To Be

To master true masculinity, Amerix wants you to know that external events are beyond our control, but your internal reactions are within your power. The power to choose our emotional response lies solely with us. By recognizing this truth, we can liberate men from unnecessary suffering and maintain their inner peace even amidst turmoil.

The Obstacle Is the Way

One of the masculinity by Amerix teachings is the idea that challenges are opportunities for growth. As a man you should be able embrace adversity, for it is through overcoming obstacles that we develop resilience and character. Overcoming obstacles is even evident in Amerix`s social media growth—he used to tweet before with zero engagements but right now he is having over a million engagements in a day. By shifting our perspective, we can transform difficulties into stepping stones towards personal development.

Helping Others Helps You

Amerix understands the profound connection between our well-being and our interactions with others. He believes that by extending kindness and assistance to those around us, we not only contribute to the betterment of society but also enhance our own sense of purpose and contentment. Serving others becomes a path to our own self-improvement.

Health is Wealth

Masculinity by Amerix isn’t just about masculinity but men’s health as well. Amerix constantly reminds his followers of the foods not to eat and the ones to eat. He emphasizes on men hitting the gym, sunning their balls eating eggs and meat for a better sex life.

Masculinity by Amerix teachings continue to inspire and guide men towards leading a life of virtue, resilience, and inner harmony. These 7 timeless lessons have captured from my time of following Amerix can help you as a man navigate the complexities of the modern world with a sense of purpose and wisdom, enriching your own lives and the lives of those around you.


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