How to unlock your life in early 20's

How to unlock your Life in early 20`s


Even though there is no umbrella code for how to live a best life, one can however find ways to unlock their lives and get best versions of themselves especially in early 20s.

Life often comes with uncertainties—hurdles and impetus in almost the same proportion.

Here is a list of things you can do to unlock your life in early 20`s.

Be Generous

Life revolves around the philosophy of reciprocity—the more you give, the more you get. In trying to figure out life and your true self, one should often strive to be generous. Visit an orphanage, take food to street children, and give a stranger a gift; these little acts of giving will make you feel warm inside. To unlock your life, give more than you take.

Seek Knowledge to unlock life

Unlock life in early 20's

Age 20-30 is the most confusing stage for young adults because of knowledge or lack of it.This is the age of finding one`s true self. Seek knowledge, do research, read books, watch movies and documentaries because to understand life you have to live it in the conscious and the subconscious mind.

Find a Hobby

Invest in your hobby. If you don`t have a hobby, create one and if you have an old hobby revisit it.


You are never going to make a great president, manager or even a teller if you cannot prioritize what`s important to you. Scrap the things that distract you from your schedule. There is a hero/heroine inside of everyone, to unlock this, learn to prioritize.

Think Big

What we think, we become and what we say eventually happens. To get the best version of yourself in early 20`s you need to escape the ordinary and be the `extra` in extra ordinary.

By imagining the impossible, you make a step towards unlocking your life.


Learn the art of keeping your life records. Note down your strengths and weaknesses. The habit of keeping records makes you feel responsible.

There is no such a thing like a life that`s better than yours as such, in trying to unlock our lives we need to view life from our perspective and not someone else`s.

List of ways to unlock your Life in early 20`s

  • Be Generous
  • Journal your life
  • Think Big
  • Prioritize what’s important and what is not important to you
  • Find a hobby
  • Be generous
  • Seek knowledge to unlock your Life in early 20`s


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