How often do you update your phone? Mobile phones normally require updates after a period of time .Once connected to Wi-Fi the new software often updates automatically. Dating your mobile phone to align with the new released software update has its advantages as well shortcomings.
Despite the many advantages that come when you update your phone to the current version some people still choose not to update their phones. With increase in the number of smartphone owners over the years, one might assume that keeping your devices updated is a no-brainer. After all, new software updates bring bug fixes, new features, and improved security, right? Well, that’s not always the case. Surprisingly, there are a number of smartphone owners who intentionally avoid updating their phone’s software, and they have some compelling reasons for doing so.
Trust Issues
Personally, I do not update my phone because the few times I did it downloaded wrong and made my phones go into an infinite restart loop. I do not trust software updates at all. This is common among those who’ve had bad experiences with updates gone awry. Even though it happened once, I do not advice against updating to the new software. One probably wonders how I stay with my phone while it keeps reminding me to update, well once bitten twice shy. I used to update my phone as soon as I saw the notification but ever since that one incident, I have been skeptical.
Bug Dilemma
Not all new software updates are good and as someone who has been in the phone industry I can attest to this. Bugs should not be the reason you update your phone because updates do have bugs. While these bugs might get fixed eventually, you may prefer to play it safe by holding off on updates until they you are sure the kinks have been ironed out.
Battery Conspiracy
This is but just a conspiracy! Some argue that new updates busts the battery purposefully and makes you buy the ‘new’ phone which is exactly the same. This theory suggests that updates might be designed to slow down older phones, encouraging users to upgrade to the latest models. While there’s no concrete evidence to support this claim, it’s a belief held by some that smartphone makers push for new updates so you can buy new phones.
The iOS vs. Android Debate
IOS and Android users will always have their own perspectives on updates. Some claim iPhones slow down due to updates, while Androids are better off with updates.Well,I am not a fan of iPhone nonetheless ,this iPhone vs Android debate definitely boils down to preference and experience.
The Waiting Game
For many cautious users, patience is key. Be it iPhone or android make it a habit of waiting for at least a month after major iOS/android updates to read feedback on performance and battery life. This approach allows you to make an informed decision, minimizing the risk of unwanted issues.

Past Trauma
This is not even about phones and updates but our belief system. If you have had a bad update experience then do not update you. You think eventually happens and that bad experience is going to keep reoccurring because you have not got over the last one yet. Perhaps this is most relatable to every facet of life. A bad update experience can leave a lasting scar, making users hesitant to trust future updates.
No Major Issues, hence you should not update your phone
There are many good reasons to not update your phone. If you have no major issues or bugs you are waiting for a fix on, then why would you update? Software is hard, and it’s always a risk to update. Though pragmatic, but if everything is working fine, why risk potential disruptions?
Whether or not to update your phone’s software is a personal decision based on experience and one’s preference .This blog though is a reminder that while updates bring many benefits, they also carry risks and uncertainties.