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Don’t Miss These 5 Life-changing Books! Transform Your Mindset Now


The human race is modelled to often search for better thoughts. In trying to get better in leadership, relationship or even in business, here are a few books that can help shape your thinking.

The Untethered Soul

It talks about how at times we may feel as if we have no motivation, no energy, nothing without realizing that the energy is inside of us at all times – we just need to learn how to access it.

Michael Singer ,the author uses a breakup as an analogous context in the book. Imagine you’ve gone through a really rough breakup and you’re not eating, cleaning your house, you’re missing days from work, you aren’t wanting to see anyone etc. But then one day your ex knocks on your door and says whatever is needed to be said to fix things.

Books that will shape your thinking
Michael Singer Books

You’ll suddenly get energy from somewhere. You’ll go shower, clean your house, eat some food, want to see people. That energy that you felt was nowhere to be seen before, has suddenly been accessed.

All that changed was one external factor. Nothing internally changed. That energy and motivation were always there, the external factors just had to change in order to unlock it.Its not always that black and white but it is quite imperative to note that we do have everything that we need inside of us.

You can access that energy and motivation anytime if you just learn how. We are so powerful and so is our cognitive.

Surrounded By Idiots

This book by Thomas Eriksson ,a communication expert majorly talks about human behaviour.
He talks about four main types of personalities;
Yellow -Positive
Green -Friendly
Blue -Rational.

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Surrounded by idiots,book by Thomas Erikson

And we can find ways to deal with all of them for better communication.
An excerpt from the book reads
“Learning something new isn’t always the easiest of tasks. It may seem simple, but it’s not
easy. There’s always so much to do, so much to read and so much to learn. Where do you
start? This is almost always determined by your personal interests. Naturally, it’s easier to
devote more time to what you’re curious about and what you’re interested in. Nothing strange
The book has sold more than a million copies all over the globe.

Emotional Intelligence

Mastering Emotional Intelligence is at least one of the surest paths to success. If you’re
wondering how to fix your emotional intelligence, this is the book for you.
In the book, the author, Daniel Goleman argues that emotional intelligence might just be
important as IQ.

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Emotional Intelligence/photo/courtesy

Whether in law, engineering, sales or real estate, you’ll loose 50% of your deals if you have
no emotional intelligence.
To nurture good relationship, to negotiate firmly ,to have empathy or to keep a good attitude,
you need emotional intelligence .
This book will definitely shape your thinking.

Man’s Search for Meaning

“No man should judge unless he asks himself in absolute honesty whether in a similar
situation he might not have done the same.” Writes Viktor Frankl

Man`s search for meaning book

This book carries many lessons about stoicism, gratitude and adaptability.
This book doesn’t just shape your thinking but kicks hopelessness and fear away.

The Courage to be Disliked

The awkwardness of the title is itself courage.Well,this book will make you question things
you’ve often believed in, it will help you see things in a different perspective.


This book can shape your thinking. It is already the bestseller in Asia.
In this era of most social atrocities and mental illnesses, to stay focused, one needs a book to
shape his or her thinking.

list of books that will shape your thinking

  • The Untethered Soul
  • Surrounded By Idiots
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Man’s Search for Meaning
  • The Courage to be Disliked

Also read: The Priceless Treasures: 10 Things money can’t buy
