Steven Kabila – viraleflare Creating a lifestyle of happiness Thu, 12 Sep 2024 03:13:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Steven Kabila – viraleflare 32 32 How to Buy Shares on the Stock Exchange Market in Kenya: 8 Key Steps Mon, 09 Sep 2024 17:17:41 +0000 viraleflare

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Not just traders but I know most Kenyans have asked themselves this question of how to buy shares on the […]

The post How to Buy Shares on the Stock Exchange Market in Kenya: 8 Key Steps first appeared on viraleflare and is written by Steven Kabila


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Not just traders but I know most Kenyans have asked themselves this question of how to buy shares on the stock exchange market in Kenya. Well, investing in the stock exchange can be one of the most profitable ways to grow your wealth over time, but it can also seem intimidating, especially if you’re new to it.And by intimidating I don’t mean trading in the stock market is like gambling like most people presume –the stock market is influenced by an array of factors ranging from inflation, GDP growth, interest rates to unemployment.

In Kenya, the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) provides an accessible platform for anyone looking to buy shares, bonds, or other financial securities. Before I take you through on how to buy shares on the stock exchange market in Kenya, I will highlight for you some important insights of the stock market in Kenya.

Understanding the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE)

This is the equivalent of New York Stock Exchange. The Nairobi Securities Exchange is a marketplace where shares of publicly listed companies are bought and sold. Trading on the NSE can provide two types of income:

Dividends: A share of profits paid out by the company.
Capital Gains: The profit made when you sell a stock at a higher price than what you purchased it for.
The NSE has 64 listed companies, and trading in their stocks allows you to become part-owner of those businesses. You can also invest in bonds, which are low-risk securities issued by companies or the government to raise funds.

Why Consider Trading on the NSE?

Of course, there are factors you need to consider before you think of how to buy shares on the stock exchange market in Kenya. One key reason to consider investing in the stock market is its potential for long-term growth. Unlike businesses that may face downturns due to unpredictable events (like the COVID-19 pandemic), fixed-income securities, such as bonds, can provide consistent returns through semi-annual coupon payments.

The stock market also allows for diversification. By investing in different sectors, you spread your risk and increase your chances of getting good returns.

How to buy shares on the stock m 1
How to buy shares on the stock market in Kenya
How to buy shares on the stock exchange market in Kenya

Getting started with trading in the NSE is simpler than many think. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to buy shares on the stock exchange market in Kenya.

1.Open a CDS Account

The first step of getting started in how to buy shares on the stock market in Kenya is having a CDS account. A CDS (Central Depository System) account is a requirement for anyone looking to trade at the Nairobi Stock Exchange. This account stores all the shares you purchase.

To open a CDS account:

Visit a licensed stockbroker or trading participant (they act as intermediaries between you and the market).
Provide a copy of your ID, KRA PIN, passport photo, and a utility bill (for address verification).
Some brokers now offer online applications through mobile apps, making it possible to open your CDS account from anywhere.

2.Identify a Stockbroker

You will need a licensed stockbroker to facilitate your trades. A list of all registered stockbrokers is available on the NSE website or mobile app. You can find brokers who offer personalized services, advice, or even apps that allow you to trade directly.

3.Fund Your Trading Account

Once your CDS account is active, you need to deposit funds into it. Depending on your broker, the minimum investment can be as low as KSh 1,000. Your broker will then use these funds to buy shares on your behalf.

4.Choosing the Right Stocks

With 64 companies listed on the NSE, selecting the right stocks can be daunting. Stocks are often referred to by ticker symbols (e.g., Safaricom’s ticker symbol is SCOM).In choosing the right stocks, you should have a long-term investment plan rather than reacting to short-term market fluctuations.

5.Asses the Risks involved

It’s important to understand your risk profile before investing:
Risk Averse? Consider investing in stable companies that offer regular dividends, like Safaricom or major banks.
Willing to take on more risk? You could explore growth stocks, which may have higher potential returns but also higher volatility.
To ensure you’re making informed decisions, do your research on a company’s financial health, industry, and future prospects. Many brokers provide this guidance to clients as part of their services.

6.Monitoring Your Investments

Once you’ve bought your shares, it’s important to monitor the stock market regularly. The NSE operates Monday to Friday, from 9 AM to 3 PM. Stocks are priced based on demand and supply, which means prices can fluctuate throughout the day. You can access real-time market data via your stockbroker’s online platform or the NSE website.
Avoid panic selling during downturns. Buy when others are selling and sell when others are buying. Having a long-term strategy is key to weathering market volatility.

7.Types of Returns on Investment

Now you are done worrying on how to buy shares on stock exchange market in Kenya and you should start thinking of the benefits you will get after buying your first shares. There are two major ways to earn returns when investing in the stock market:
Dividend Income: Some companies regularly pay dividends to their shareholders from their profits. These payments can be reinvested or withdrawn.
Capital Gains: The difference between the purchase price and the selling price of your shares is your capital gain. For example, if you bought Safaricom shares at KSh 25 and sold them at KSh 40, your capital gain is KSh 15 per share.


The stock market is inherently risky, but you can minimize this by:
Diversifying your portfolio: Don’t put all your money into one stock. Spread your investments across different sectors and companies.
Staying informed: Regularly review company performance reports and the broader market trends.
Avoiding emotional decisions: avoid panic selling when prices drop. Stick to your plan and consult your broker before making significant changes.

how to buy shares on the stock exchange market in Kenya

The NSE provides a valuable opportunity for Kenyans to grow their wealth through long-term investments in stocks and bonds. By starting with a small amount, doing proper research, and maintaining a long-term investment plan, you can benefit from the potential growth that the stock market offers. New graduates or someone with savings and have had interest in buying shares, I hope this guide on how to buy shares on the stock exchange market in Kenya helps you. Stop looking for the right opportunity, now is a great time to open a CDS account and start investing in the stock market.

The post How to Buy Shares on the Stock Exchange Market in Kenya: 8 Key Steps first appeared on viraleflare and is written by Steven Kabila

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Is Morara Kebaso Among The Most Influential Kenyans of 2024? Wed, 04 Sep 2024 07:58:28 +0000 viraleflare

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2024 has been an eventful year for Kenyans—protests fueled by bad economy just but one of the reasons. But who […]

The post Is Morara Kebaso Among The Most Influential Kenyans of 2024? first appeared on viraleflare and is written by Steven Kabila


viraleflare - Creating a lifestyle of happiness

2024 has been an eventful year for Kenyans—protests fueled by bad economy just but one of the reasons. But who are the most influential Kenyans of 2024?

As each second slips, 2024 looks closer to end; Kenya continues to evolve as a nation of courageous minds and resilient spirits. There are a few individuals who stand out for their exceptional contributions across various sectors. Here’s a look at some of the most influential Kenyans of 2024, whose impact have changed the way we see this country.

Morara Kebaso

This guy is the man of the moment! A lawyer and Kenyatta University alumni, Morara Kebaso has been moving around the country exposing government failed projects. After the Kenyan government countered the recent Gen Z protest, this new tactic by Morara Kebaso seem to be working.Many Kenyans have shown him love and have started supporting him financially to continue doing what he is doing. Morara Kebaso has shown Kenyans that the people can themselves oversight the executive, without the parliament. If he is not on the road exposing failed projects, he is live on TV doing civic education. This is why Morara Kebaso is one of the most influential Kenyans of 2024.

Most Influential Kenyans of 2024
Most Influential Kenyans of 2024
Boniface Mwangi

I do not know how he does it but Boniface Mwangi never misses on the list of most influential Kenyans or does he? Well, his heroics in the Gen Z protest has earned him a place among the most influential Kenyans of 2024.Boniface Mwangi remains a vocal activist and advocate for social justice ever since 2007 when he rose to the spotlight after the post-election violence. Through his photography and activism, Mwangi continues to shed light on critical issues such as corruption, human rights abuses, and governance. His fearless approach and dedication to holding the powerful accountable in 2024 have made him a significant figure in Kenya’s civil society.

William Ruto

Well, he had to be part of this right? He is the president and many happenings in Kenya this year have been largely political right from economy to extra judicial killings. President William Ruto has been at the center of all these—one hand being defended by his followers and on the other being criticized by his opposers.Through his leadership, to counter the unprecedented Gen Z protests and restore calm, it would be wrong to say he has not been one of the most influential figures of 2024.


She definitely had the Kenyan government in shivers each time she tweeted or even went out to the streets. During the 2024 Gen Z protest in Kenya Hanifa was at the forefront despite many arrests and intimidations. She even went ahead to fundraise for the victims of the protests raising over 30 million Kenya shillings—money which she later used to help those who lost their loved one and pay hospital bills for those injured.

Most Influential Kenyans of 2024
Most Influential Kenyans of 2024

Even though the Gen Z movement was considered leaderless, Hanifa was somehow seen as a leader and this why she is one of the most influential Kenyans of 2024 not just in the way she fought for young people but also in the way she spent 30 million Kenya shillings, most government officials would have embezzled these funds and nothing fruitful would come out of it.

Larry Madowo

Larry Madowo has always established himself as one of Kenya’s most influential voices on the global stage. In 2024 however Madowo upped his game—he could be in Atlanta but the next morning you would see him in Kenya broadcasting to whole world live the protests in Kenya. This dedication made most Kenyans fall in love with his reporting as well as patriotism. His insightful reporting on African issues and global affairs has garnered widespread attention, bringing a unique African perspective to international audiences.

One of his iconic moments of 2024 was when he reported that Ethiopian airline had kicked out a passenger on his flight because a minister had taken her seat. The next day the airline responded by saying Larry was lying only for Larry to prove them wrong by bringing concrete evidence that indeed a passenger was kicked out.

Most Influential Kenyans of 2024
Most Influential Kenyans of 2024

The influence of these remarkable Kenyans extends across various sectors, from politics and economics to sports, media, and environmental conservation. Their contributions not only shape the present but also pave the way for a better future for Kenya and its people. As we look forward to the rest of 2024, these individuals will undoubtedly continue to inspire and lead the nation towards greater heights.

The post Is Morara Kebaso Among The Most Influential Kenyans of 2024? first appeared on viraleflare and is written by Steven Kabila

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How to Monetize Facebook in Kenya: 9 Simple Steps Wed, 31 Jul 2024 10:26:07 +0000 viraleflare

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How to monetize Facebook in Kenya isn’t the hack you need; it is all you need. There are platforms like […]

The post How to Monetize Facebook in Kenya: 9 Simple Steps first appeared on viraleflare and is written by Steven Kabila


viraleflare - Creating a lifestyle of happiness

How to monetize Facebook in Kenya isn’t the hack you need; it is all you need. There are platforms like YouTube that have been known to allow monetization of content for a very long time. We live in the information age and right now everyone is trying to benefit from what they share online in one way or two. This blog post is a guide on how to monetize Facebook in Kenya, it as well provides the necessary requirements in order to monetize your Facebook page.

If you are a content creator in Kenya looking to monetize your presence on Facebook—I am glad to let you know that Facebook now allows users to monetize their Facebook pages. Even though the program is yet to be rolled out in most parts of Africa including Kenya, Facebook users in North America can already monetize their Facebook pages. With the right strategy and tools, you will be able to turn your passion into profit. Facebook will now offer several monetization features that allow creators to earn money from their videos, but it’s essential to meet certain criteria to unlock these opportunities. In this guide, I will explore and share 10 simple steps on how to monetize Facebook in Kenya effectively.

How to Monetize Facebook in Kenya- What You need to do

Just like there are so many people across the globe with millions of views on YouTube but earning nothing from them, there will be so many people with Facebook pages but cannot monetize. So what do you need to do in order to monetize your Facebook in Kenya?

How to monetize facebook in Keny 1
How to monetize Facebook in Kenya
Build Your Video Library

The first and the most important thing to do as a Facebook content creator in Kenya is to build a diverse library of videos on your Facebook Page. Aim to have at least five on-demand or previously live videos that are active and created by you—avoid sharing copyrighted content as much as you can.And remember variety is key here, so consider different formats and topics to appeal to a wider audience.

Create Engaging Content

This is another crucial requirement on how to monetize Facebook in Kenya. Even twitter (now X) uses engagement metric to pay users. To get enough engagement as a Facebook content creator in Kenya, focus on producing high-quality, engaging content that resonates with your audience. Whether it’s informative, entertaining, or inspirational, make sure your videos capture viewers’ attention and keep them coming back for more not just for monetization but for your own personal growth—sometimes it can be so motivating to create content and get no engagement at all.

Grow Your Audience

In this era of digital media, there is certainly no limit to your gowth.Just like YouTube with 1000 subscriber requirement, to monetize your Facebook in Kenya, you’ll need to have at least 10,000 followers to unlock monetization opportunities such as in-stream ads. To achieve this, you should explore various strategies to attract and retain followers, including promoting your Page across social media channels and collaborating with other creators.

Meet Eligible Minutes Viewed

This is another vital hacks on how to monetize Facebook in Kenya .Facebook requires creators to accumulate a certain number of eligible minutes viewed to qualify for monetization. In the last 60 days, aim to reach a total of 600,000 on-demand, live, and previously live minutes viewed, excluding boosted or paid watch time.

Publish Live Videos

Live videos are a valuable tool for engaging with your audience in real-time and increasing watch time. Aim to broadcast at least 60,000 minutes of live content within the 600,000 total eligible minutes viewed to meet Facebook’s criteria for monetization.

Include In-Stream Ads

Once you’ve met the requirements, you can start monetizing your videos with in-stream ads. These short ads can be inserted into your videos, allowing you to earn money based on viewer engagement. Choose between pre-roll, mid-roll, or image ads, and tailor the ad experience to your audience’s preferences.

Optimize Your Video Strategy

Continuously analyze your video performance and audience insights to optimize your content strategy. Experiment with different video formats, lengths, and topics to see what resonates best with your audience and drives higher engagement and monetization.

How to monetize facebook in Kenya
How to monetize Facebook in Kenya
Collaborate with Brands and Partners

As your audience grows, consider partnering with brands and sponsors for sponsored content opportunities. Collaborations can provide additional revenue streams and help you reach new audiences. Make sure to choose partnerships that align with your brand and values to maintain authenticity and credibility with your audience.

Stay Updated on Facebook’s Monetization Policies

Finally, stay informed about Facebook’s monetization policies and guidelines to ensure compliance and avoid any potential violations. Keep an eye on updates and changes to the platform’s monetization features and adapt your strategy accordingly to maximize earning potential.

These guidelines on how to monetize Facebook in Kenya is achievable with the right approach and dedication. By building a strong presence, creating engaging content, and meeting Facebook’s eligibility criteria, you can unlock monetization opportunities and turn your passion for creating into a sustainable income stream.

The post How to Monetize Facebook in Kenya: 9 Simple Steps first appeared on viraleflare and is written by Steven Kabila

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Why you should Invest in Money Market Fund in Kenya 2024 Tue, 26 Mar 2024 12:57:32 +0000 viraleflare

viraleflare - Creating a lifestyle of happiness

Kenyans are often too caught up in investments and trading of securities but no one really seem to bat an […]

The post Why you should Invest in Money Market Fund in Kenya 2024 first appeared on viraleflare and is written by Steven Kabila


viraleflare - Creating a lifestyle of happiness

Kenyans are often too caught up in investments and trading of securities but no one really seem to bat an eye why you should invest in money market fund in Kenya. Or even why you should not. In this dynamic landscape of investment opportunities, as A Kenyan investor it’s only feasible to seek options that provide a balance of security, liquidity, and returns. Well, money market funds (MMFs) have emerged as a compelling choice for most Kenyans offering a host of benefits tailored to the needs of today’s investors.

In this blog post I will take you through why you should invest in a money market fund in Kenya. What exactly is a money market fund, and why should you consider investing in one in 2024?

A money market fund is a type of mutual fund that primarily invests in cash and low-risk, short-term debt securities. In Kenya, MMFs typically allocate investments across various financial instruments such as fixed deposits, government bonds, and treasury bills. Managed primarily by banks and insurance firms, these funds are regulated by the Capital Markets Authority (CMA), ensuring a level of oversight and transparency.

Invest in money market fund in Kenya
Invest in money market fund in Kenya

Investors contribute cash to the MMF, which is pooled and strategically invested in a diversified portfolio of financial instruments. Profits generated from these investments are subject to management fees, with the remainder distributed among investors. Returns from MMFs in Kenya typically range from 8% to 11% per annum, though these rates may fluctuate daily based on market conditions. One of the key advantages of MMFs is their liquidity. Investors have the flexibility to withdraw their funds partially or in full at any time, providing a level of accessibility not often found in other investment vehicles. Additionally, many MMFs offer seamless enrollment processes via mobile phone platforms, making it easy for investors to get started with minimal hassle.

Why you should invest in money market fund in Kenya

Here are some of the reasons you should invest in money market fund in Kenya.

Regulated and Low Risk

Regulations and the nature of risks involved in money markets funds are some of the major reasons why you should invest in money market fund in Kenya. Money market funds in Kenya are subject to stringent regulations which in turn minimizes the risk for investors. The oversight provided by regulatory authorities ensures that fund managers adhere to strict investment guidelines, enhancing the safety of investors’ capital.

High Liquidity

Unlike certain long-term investments, money markets funds in Kenya offer high liquidity, allowing investors to access their funds whenever needed without incurring penalties.

Competitive Returns

Another reason why you should invest in money market funds in Kenya is competitive returns. With returns typically exceeding those of traditional savings accounts, MMFs provide an attractive option for investors seeking to grow their wealth while minimizing risk.


The convenience of mobile-based enrollment makes MMFs accessible to a wide range of investors, democratizing access to investment opportunities.

Disadvantages of Money Market Funds

While there are a number of reasons why you should invest in money market fund in Kenya, investing in MMF has some few disadvantages just like every good thing out there.

Low Returns

While money market funds may offer competitive returns compared to savings accounts, they may yield relatively lower returns than other investment options such as equities or real estate.

Tax and Management Fees

Investors should be aware of the impact of withholding tax and management fees on their returns. While these fees are often modest, they can impact overall profitability.

Despite potential drawbacks, investing in a money market fund remains a prudent choice for many Kenyan investors in 2024. The combination of regulatory oversight, liquidity, and competitive returns makes MMFs an attractive option for those seeking to preserve and grow their wealth.

Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting on your financial journey, exploring why you should invest in money market funds in Kenya can provide a solid foundation for achieving your investment goals. By understanding the dynamics of MMFs and carefully evaluating your risk tolerance and investment objectives, you can make informed decisions that align with your financial aspirations.

2024 presents a compelling opportunity for investors in Kenya to consider the advantages of money market funds as part of their investment strategy. With the potential for steady returns, low risk, and high liquidity, MMFs offer a versatile option for building a diversified investment portfolio tailored to your individual needs and aspirations.

Examples of Money market funds in Kenya

Nabo Africa Money Market Fund by Nabo Capital
Madison Money Market Fund by Madison Asset Management Services Limited
UAP Old Mutual Money Market Fund, Managed by UAP Old Mutual Investment Group.
Equity Money Market Fund by Equity Investment Bank

ICEA Money Market Fund by ICEA Lion Asset Management,
Britam Money Market Fund
Coop Money Market Fund by Co-operative Bank of Kenya
Sanlam Money Market Fund by Sanlam Investments
CIC Money Market Fund Managed by the Cooperative Insurance Company (CIC)

The post Why you should Invest in Money Market Fund in Kenya 2024 first appeared on viraleflare and is written by Steven Kabila

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4 Expensive things owned by Murkomen since Becoming CS Wed, 13 Mar 2024 18:32:06 +0000 viraleflare

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Some of the most expensive things owned by Murkomen have in many occasions spark public uproar. Journey to Public Service […]

The post 4 Expensive things owned by Murkomen since Becoming CS first appeared on viraleflare and is written by Steven Kabila


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Some of the most expensive things owned by Murkomen have in many occasions spark public uproar.

Journey to Public Service

Of course being the cabinet secretary for Roads and Transport makes you rich but who was Kipchumba Murkomen before becoming CS?His journey into public service began with his election as Senator for Elgeyo Marakwet in 2013 under the United Republican Party (URP) ticket, coinciding with the implementation of the 2010 Constitution. He quickly rose to prominence and was elected Senate Deputy Majority Leader in 2015, a role he held until the end of his term in the first Senate.

You might need to bury the thought of the most expensive things owned by Murkomen and think of his education first. Before his political career, Murkomen served on the Kenya Anti-Counterfeit Agency Board and the Task Force on Devolved Government, which played a crucial role in shaping legislation related to devolution. Additionally, he has a strong academic background, holding a Bachelor’s degree in Law from the University of Nairobi, a Postgraduate degree from the Kenya School of Law, and Master of Laws degrees from the American University Washington College of Law and the University of Pretoria.

Hon. Onesimus Kipchumba Murkomen’s journey from academia to public service has been marked by a commitment to legislative excellence, a passion for governance, and a dedication to advancing Kenya’s development agenda. His multifaceted background and extensive experience make him a valuable asset in his current role, where he continues to drive positive change and progress in the transportation sector.

Expensive things owned by Murkomen since Becoming a CS

During vetting by the National Assembly, Senator Kipchumba Murkomen disclosed that he is worth sh550 million. However, within a year in government, he has been observed living a very luxurious lifestyle. Here is a glimpse into some of the most expensive things owned by Murkomen since becoming a CS:

Hublot Classic Fusion Ceramic King Gold Watch

Murkomen has been spotted wearing the Hublot Classic Fusion Ceramic King Gold Watch, which comes with a hefty price tag of 2 million shillings. This luxury timepiece is renowned for its exquisite craftsmanship and opulent design. This gold watch is one of the most expensive things owned by Murkomen.

Expensive things owned by Murkomen
Expensive things owned by Murkomen/Hublot Classic

John F. Kennedy Special Edition Fountain Pen

Known for his taste in finer things, Murkomen has been seen using the John F. Kennedy Special Edition Fountain Pen. This exclusive writing instrument boasts a price tag of 150,000 shillings and is cherished by collectors and aficionados alike.

Grey Gucci Accents

Adding to his collection of high-end accessories, Murkomen is often seen donning grey Gucci accents worth over KSh 130,000. These designer pieces exude sophistication and elevate any ensemble to a new level of luxury.

Expensive things owned by Murkomen
Expensive things owned by Murkomen/Grey Gucci Accents

Philipp Plein Sneakers

Not one to compromise on style, Murkomen owns Philipp Plein sneakers worth over KSh 96,000. These premium footwear pieces are known for their impeccable craftsmanship and avant-garde designs, making them a must-have for fashion-forward individuals.

Expensive things owned by Murkomen
Expensive things owned by Murkomen/Philip Plein Sneakers

Senator Kipchumba Murkomen’s possession of these lavish items underscores his penchant for the finer things in life. While his disclosed net worth may raise eyebrows, his indulgence in luxury goods reflects a lifestyle of opulence and extravagance.

It is however worth noting that these are just some of the expensive things owned by Murkomen since becoming a CS.I have not done enough research on his assets before being appointed the cabinet secretary for Roads and Transport.

The post 4 Expensive things owned by Murkomen since Becoming CS first appeared on viraleflare and is written by Steven Kabila

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Abacus The Best Gym in Kiserian;Number 1 Fitness Haven for All Mon, 29 Jan 2024 16:02:08 +0000 viraleflare

viraleflare - Creating a lifestyle of happiness

My first ever experience of Kiserian wasn’t some big hotel with swimming pool that every Gen Z dream of but […]

The post Abacus The Best Gym in Kiserian;Number 1 Fitness Haven for All first appeared on viraleflare and is written by Steven Kabila


viraleflare - Creating a lifestyle of happiness

My first ever experience of Kiserian wasn’t some big hotel with swimming pool that every Gen Z dream of but Abacus Gym. You know all that energy and enthusiasm people normally have when they care about their wellness and health? Well here the energy was palpable, and I instantly knew this was just not the best gym in Kiserian but a fitness haven for every Kenyan. The sleek design and cutting-edge equipment hinted at the commitment to excellence that would come to define my fitness journey.

Why Abacus Gym is the best gym in Kiserian

In the bustling world we live in, finding a fitness sanctuary that aligns with your goals and values can be a game-changer. My experience at Abacus Gym was that game for me.For people looking to unlock full potential of their fitness levels don’t hesitate to visit the small town of Kiserian–there you will find every fitness expert talking about Abacus Gym because that is where fitness meets community.

best gym in Kiserian
The best gym in Kiserian/Photo/courtesy

Here are some of the reason I rank Abacus as the best Gym in Kiserian town.

A Playground of Possibilities

From the moment I strapped on my sneakers, I realized this gym was a playground of possibilities. The array of cutting-edge equipment became my tools for self-improvement. Each machine, each weight, whispered promises of strength and vitality.

Guided by Experts

Do you ever go to a gym for the first time and you don’t even know where to begin? Here the instructors even knew the type of work out I wanted before I uttered a word. They weren’t just instructors; they were mentors invested in my success. Their guidance helped me navigate the gym terrain with confidence, turning each workout into a purposeful step towards my fitness goals.

The best gym in Kiserian
The best gym in Kiserian/Photo/courtesy

Diverse Classes

Classes at Abacus Gym were not just about physical exertion; they were shared triumphs. Whether it was the intensity of a HIIT session or the serenity of yoga, the communal spirit elevated every class. Sweating it out with others became a source of motivation and a reminder that we were all in this together.


And of course as true son of the community I wasn’t going to term Abacus as the best gym in Kiserian if it doesn’t foster bonding. The sense of community truly sets them apart and puts them up there with the best of the best. The friendships forged during group workouts extended beyond the gym floor. Social events organized by the gym became cherished memories, turning fellow gym-goers into lifelong friends who celebrated milestones and motivated each other to push harder.

Tailored Plans

One size doesn’t fit all, and Abacus gym understood that. The team worked with me to create a personalized fitness plan. Whether I was aiming for strength, endurance, or flexibility, the tailored approach ensured that every workout was aligned with my unique goals.

The best gym in Kiserian
The best gym in Kiserian/photo courtesy

Flexible and Accessible

Life can be unpredictable, but at Abacus they will make sure your fitness routine isn’t. With their flexible hours and weekend availability, fitting in a workout became a seamless part of my routine. The accessibility of the gym meant that there were no more excuses – just opportunities to invest in my well-being.

Training Prices at Abacus Gym

Abacus isn’t just the best gym in Kiserian because of equipment and personnel but also their prices.
Here is their price list;
3000/- per month
1000/- per week
200/- per day

Summary of what makes Abacus the Best Gym in Kiserian

General Management

  1. Cutting-Edge Equipment
  2. Expert Trainers
  3. Varied Classes

Community Spirit

  1. Group Workouts
  2. Social Events

Tailored Memberships

  1. Personalized Plans
  2. Flexible Hours
Best gym in Kiserian
The best gym in Kiserian/photo/courtesy

Commitment to Wellness

Beyond physical fitness, Abacus Gym is committed to overall wellness. Their facility includes amenities that prioritize relaxation and recovery.

Also their wellness package includes nutritional guidance. You can get to achieve your fitness goals with their expert nutritional guidance. Their team will help you make informed choices that complement your workout routine.

Abacus is more than a gym – it is a lifestyle. The community, the support, and the commitment to holistic wellness have turned my workouts into a daily ritual of self-discovery and improvement.

If you are ready to transform your fitness journey into a personalized odyssey, contact Allan on +254 704575154 and discover why it is not just a gym; it’s an experience that shapes and enriches your life.

The post Abacus The Best Gym in Kiserian;Number 1 Fitness Haven for All first appeared on viraleflare and is written by Steven Kabila

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The 5 Worst Courses to Study in Kenya 2024 Fri, 19 Jan 2024 06:57:13 +0000 viraleflare

viraleflare - Creating a lifestyle of happiness

How times have changed, never in my life did I ever think of writing about worst courses to study in […]

The post The 5 Worst Courses to Study in Kenya 2024 first appeared on viraleflare and is written by Steven Kabila


viraleflare - Creating a lifestyle of happiness

How times have changed, never in my life did I ever think of writing about worst courses to study in Kenya; every course used to be lucrative at least not today .Choosing the right course to pursue in higher education is a crucial decision that can significantly impact one’s future. While Kenya offers a diverse range of academic opportunities, not every course may align with an individual’s interests, goals, or the current job market demands.

In this blog post, I will delve into some of the worst courses to study in Kenya. These courses may be considered less favorable in Kenya—the blog as well covers the reasons behind their reputation and offering insights into making informed educational choices.

Worst Courses to study in Kenya

Please not that this list may keep changing because taste, preference as well as demands and supply forces of the job market keep changing.

Bachelor of Commerce (Bcom)

While a Bachelor of Commerce may seem like a versatile degree, the generic nature of some programs could pose challenges for graduates. Bachelor of commerce being one of the worst does not necessarily equate it to a bad course—just that it is crowded with way too many graduates and securing a job isn’t easy.

Specializations such as Finance, Marketing, or Accounting are highly sought after, but a broad Bachelor of Commerce without a specific focus might not provide the depth of knowledge needed in today’s competitive job market. Employers often seek candidates with specialized skills, and a generic commerce degree may not make graduates stand out. For a very long time a general Bcom degree has always been one of the worst courses to study in Kenya.

Worst courses to study in Kenya
Worst courses to study in Kenya/

Bachelor of Fine Arts

Another fine course just like its name but is slowly dying right in front of our eyes. Pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts can be a passion-driven choice, but the practicality of this degree in the Kenyan job market is often questioned. Limited opportunities and a niche demand for fine arts professionals can make it challenging for graduates to find stable and well-paying jobs. Those considering this path should weigh their passion against the potential career limitations. If it is entirely passion then treat it as passion but I do not think it is worth pursuing as a degree.

Worst courses to study in Kenya
Worst courses to study in Kenya/Arts

Bachelor of Philosophy

Methinks philosophy is like talent, you either have it or not, you are either born with it or not. Great philosophers like Socrates didn’t have to study in order to be termed the greatest or did they? While philosophy fosters critical thinking and analytical skills, a Bachelor of Philosophy might be perceived as less practical in terms of direct career applications. The job market in Kenya typically demands more specialized skills, and graduates with philosophy degrees may find it challenging to secure positions directly related to their academic background.

Worst courses to study in Kenya
Worst courses to study in Kenya/Philosophy

Bachelor of Library and Information Science

Not to look down on anyone pursuing this but in this era of digital information and advanced technology, the demand for traditional library and information science professionals has diminished. With the shift towards digital resources and online information management, graduates in this field might face challenges finding relevant and well-compensated positions in the job market. Technology has made this course irrelevant and one of the worst courses to study in Kenya.

Worst courses to study in Kenya
Worst courses to study in Kenya/Library Information Science

Bachelor of Music

Similar to fine arts, pursuing a Bachelor of Music may be a passion-driven choice, but the practicality of this degree in Kenya’s job market may be limited. The entertainment industry in Kenya may not provide sufficient opportunities for graduates in music, making it challenging to establish a stable career. Also people have gotten used to seeing people with no background in music education succeed in music so no one really cares if you have a degree in music. What you can do even those without degree are doing.

Worst courses to study in Kenya
Worst courses to study in Kenya/Music

Other courses that might also be considered the worst courses to study in Kenya may fall in the following categories;

Outdated Technology Courses

Technology is always a work in progress; its changing nature may render certain courses outdated, leaving graduates with skills that are no longer in demand. It’s essential to stay ahead of the curve, and unfortunately, some technology-related courses fail to keep pace with industry advancements. As a result, graduates may struggle to find relevant job opportunities in the competitive job market.

Oversaturated Fields

It is not just Bcom but some professions in Kenya are oversaturated as well. This oversaturation has led to fierce competition for limited job openings. Fields such as journalism, law, and business administration often witness a surplus of graduates, making it challenging for individuals to stand out and secure lucrative positions. Prospective students should carefully consider the demand and supply dynamics of their chosen field before making a commitment.

Lack of Professional Accreditation

If you are planning to study a course that lacks professional accreditation then it definitely falls in the category of worst courses to study in Kenya. Certain courses lack proper accreditation from relevant professional bodies, diminishing their credibility in the job market. Graduates from non-accredited programs may encounter obstacles in obtaining professional certifications or licenses, restricting their career advancement. Prospective students should thoroughly research the accreditation status of a course before enrollment.

While this list highlights some of the worst courses to study in Kenya, it’s vital to recognize that individual preferences, aptitudes, and market dynamics play a significant role in determining the success of any academic pursuit. Instead of dismissing specific courses outright, prospective students should carefully evaluate their personal interests, the current job market trends, and the potential for continuous learning and adaptation within their chosen field. Making informed decisions ensures that one’s educational journey aligns with both personal aspirations and the demands of the ever-evolving professional landscape.

The post The 5 Worst Courses to Study in Kenya 2024 first appeared on viraleflare and is written by Steven Kabila

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How to Win Betika Mega Jackpot, 6 easy Tips Sat, 13 Jan 2024 08:42:55 +0000 viraleflare

viraleflare - Creating a lifestyle of happiness

While sports betting involve an element of luck, there is no guaranteed strategy to win a jackpot or consistently beat […]

The post How to Win Betika Mega Jackpot, 6 easy Tips first appeared on viraleflare and is written by Steven Kabila


viraleflare - Creating a lifestyle of happiness

While sports betting involve an element of luck, there is no guaranteed strategy to win a jackpot or consistently beat the odds. However, as a sports fan, I have sampled for you some tips on how to win Betika Mega Jackpot. These tips may help you make more informed decisions and manage your betting activities responsibly.

Before I take you through the tips on how to win Betika Mega Jackpot, do you ever wonder why people who know little about a sport tend to win jackpots than people who actually understand the sport?

Well, it may appear that way due to several factors, but as I said earlier, winning jackpots in sports betting involves a considerable amount of luck, and short-term outcomes do not necessarily reflect long-term success. Here are some reasons why it might seem that people with little knowledge about a sport like mama mboga sometimes win jackpots:

how to win betika mega Jackpot
How to win betika mega Jackpot

Random Outcomes

Sports events inherently contain an element of unpredictability. Even those with limited knowledge can sometimes guess the outcome correctly due to chance. They do not normally predict the right outcomes, they chance into them.


Winning a jackpot often involves picking the correct outcome of several events. In these cases, even someone with minimal knowledge might get lucky and select the right combination.

High Odds and Risky Bets

Some people who win jackpots may have placed risky bets with high odds. While these bets are less likely to succeed, when they do, the payouts can be substantial. People who are less knowledgeable might inadvertently place riskier bets without fully understanding the odds.

Small Sample Size

Winning a single jackpot doesn’t necessarily indicate a deep understanding of the sport. It might be an isolated event, and over the long term, a more informed bettor is likely to have better results.

Media Hype

Maybe people with little knowledge about a sport do not even win jackpots; it is just the media hype. There may be instances where media highlights cases of individuals winning big with little knowledge. These stories can create a perception that luck plays a more significant role than skill.

Survivorship Bias

The stories of jackpot winners are often publicized, but those who consistently lose or have minimal success may not receive the same attention. This can create a skewed perception of success rates or as Rolf Dobelli would put it, survivorship bias.

Overconfidence and Risk-Taking

People with limited knowledge might take bigger risks, and occasionally these risks pay off. However, consistently successful sports betting require a more systematic and informed approach.

How to Win Betika Mega Jackpot

Again as I said betting is purely luck and following all these tips do not necessarily mean you are going to win it.

Educate Yourself

The first step of knowing how to win Betika Mega Jackpot is educating yourself.You should aim to seek knowledge about the teams, players, and their recent performance to give you an edge. Also, learn the basics of betting like knowing the different types of bets and how odds work.


There cannot be tips on how to win Betika Mega Jackpot without research. While research might sound a bigger term, it basically involves analyzing statistics. Look at team and player statistics, injury reports, and recent form to make more informed predictions. Following news to stay updated on team news, transfers, and other relevant information that might impact the game is also part of the research.

Money Management

This is where most bettors get depressed.Manage your stakes and you are on the third step of how to win Betika Mega Jackpot. You should set a budget and only bet what you can afford to lose. For your perfect betting money management, you should also make sure you shop for the best odds. Different sports books may offer slightly different odds for the same event. Shop around to find the best value. Do not just stick to Betika maybe your luck isn’t on Betika after all.

Avoid Emotional Betting

This is definitely the best tip one can ever tell you on how to win Betika Mega Jackpot. Don’t let emotions guide your bets. Make decisions based on facts and analysis, not personal preferences. If you support Manchester United for instance, do not always bet in their favor because it is your team, if they lose you lose your money and your team has lost as well that is a double heartbreak.

How to win betika Mega Jackpot
How to win betika Mega Jackpot

Understand Variance

Even the best predictions can be wrong. Be prepared for losses and understand that winning consistently is challenging. Once you have made peace with this, then you are on the right track.

Be Skeptical of “Sure Bets” or “Guaranteed Wins”

Everyone is in business; you cannot be in Kenya and tell me you already know the outcome of a football match in Russia that is yet to be played. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Avoid falling for scams or overly confident predictions. Just trust your instincts, intuition and research.

For all those trying their luck, I can’t give you better tips on how to win the Betika Mega Jackpot than this. Remember, there’s always a risk involved in sports betting, and no strategy can guarantee success. It’s crucial to approach betting with a responsible mindset and treat it as a form of entertainment rather than a guaranteed source of income.

The post How to Win Betika Mega Jackpot, 6 easy Tips first appeared on viraleflare and is written by Steven Kabila

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The Best Courses for Grade C and Below in Kenya 2024 Sat, 13 Jan 2024 07:59:25 +0000 viraleflare

viraleflare - Creating a lifestyle of happiness

I am pretty sure ,every year KCSE results has get thousands wondering what could be the best courses for grade […]

The post The Best Courses for Grade C and Below in Kenya 2024 first appeared on viraleflare and is written by Steven Kabila


viraleflare - Creating a lifestyle of happiness

I am pretty sure ,every year KCSE results has get thousands wondering what could be the best courses for grade C and below in Kenya. We live in the era of “wokeness” so as much as many people try to dismiss education as the key to success, it is still a bridge to it.Education is a powerful tool that has the potential to transform lives and open doors to endless opportunities—your education is different from your schooling, education goes beyond classrooms. For a long time it has always been believed that if you do not get grade B and above then that is a fail in Kenya.

This blog post is about to end that perception and take you through some of the best courses for grade C and below in Kenya. You cannot change what others think of the C students but the truth is students who may not have achieved the highest grades still have numerous options to pursue meaningful and rewarding careers.

If you are reading this, you must have a hunch on why most C students succeed in life compared to B and A students—the reason behind this is not only limited to determination but a number of courses available for those with Grade C and below.

Before I take you through some of the best courses for grade C and below in Kenya, here are some of the reasons why grade C students tend to succeed in life compared to B and A students.

Resilience and Determination

C students may have faced challenges during their academic journey, fostering resilience and determination. These qualities can be valuable in navigating the complexities of life and the workplace. Most B and A students lack this because they think they are smart enough.

Real-world Skills

A students may excel in academic settings, but C students might focus more on practical, real-world skills. Success in the modern world often requires a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical application, and C students may be adept at the latter. This is a good enough reason why most interviewers will nowadays tend to ask the skills you have besides your academic achievements.

Creativity and Innovation

Knowing very well, they are not good in academics compared to B and A students, C students might be more inclined to think outside the box and approach problems with creativity. In the real world, innovation and adaptability are crucial for success, and individuals who think creatively may find unique solutions to challenges.

Networking and Interpersonal Skills

Your network is your networth.Success in many fields often involves effective communication, networking, and interpersonal skills. C students may have honed these skills through collaboration and social interactions, enabling them to build strong professional relationships.

Entrepreneurial Spirit

I myself is a B student but I know how this works, most C students tend to venture into businesses because why not?— the best entrepreneurs in the world are people like Mark Zuckerbeg and they do not have a proper education history. Isn’t that enough inspiration? Most C students possess an entrepreneurial spirit, willing to take risks and pursue unconventional paths. Entrepreneurship often involves learning through experience, and the ability to adapt and persevere in the face of challenges can lead to success.

Passion and Pursuit of Personal Goals

While many people could be quick to judge, it is worth realizing that a fraction of C students might have sacrificed academics for passion. Success is often associated with finding fulfillment in one’s endeavors, and following one’s passion can be a key driver of success.

Best Courses for Grade C and Below in Kenya

The following is a list of best courses for grade C and below in Kenya.

Best courses for grade C and below in Kenya
Best courses for grade C and below in Kenya

Diploma in Business Management

If you look at it from the general meaning of business management, you might ask yourself whose business are you going to manage as a C student? This is however not the case, a diploma in business management provides a solid foundation in essential business skills. Students can learn about management principles, marketing, finance, and entrepreneurship not just to manage someone business but their own because as I have told you earlier, this lot has that entrepreneurial spirit.

Diploma in Business Management is great for any C student because business skills are highly valued in today’s job market.

Certificate/Diploma in Information Technology

Technology is always changing and with every single change, it means the future. With the increasing reliance on technology right from law, business management to governance, a certificate or diploma in information technology introduces C students to basic IT concepts, computer programming, and software applications.

The IT industry is constantly growing, and pursuing diploma or certificate in IT equips you with more technical skills compared to B or A student pursuing the same as a degree. These skills can also help you secure entry-level positions in IT support and administration.Certificate or Diploma in IT is up there as one of the best courses for grade C and below in Kenya.

Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management

Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management is one of the best courses for grade C and below in Kenya. This diploma program focuses on the hospitality and tourism industry, covering topics such as hotel management, travel and tourism, and customer service. Most B and A student who pursue hospitality and tourism tend to despise jobs such as Customer service because they feel it is not their level. Such jobs are however in abundance all over the country so if you are a C student and want a job, make a choice!

Also, Kenya’s tourism sector is a significant contributor to the economy, offering diverse career opportunities for individuals with skills in hospitality and tourism management.

Certificate in Early Childhood Development Education

With Kenya’s growing population, there will always be children who need attention. This certificate program is designed for those interested in working with young children. It covers aspects of child development, teaching methodologies, and classroom management.

Certificate in ECDE is one of the best courses for grade C and below in Kenya because the demand for qualified early childhood educators is on the rise and pursuing this course equips individuals with the skills to contribute to the development of young minds. Attending to and teaching children isn’t an easy task, no one wants to do that so if you are a C student and you think you can make a great educator to children, pursue this course and be sure of a job.

Best courses for grade C and below in Kenya
Best courses for grade C and below in Kenya

Finally as I conclude, I want to make it clear that this is not a blog post that tries to dismiss grades as being relevant. Grades are important; they just do not define a person’s potential or limit their possibilities. These best courses for grade C and below in Kenya provide avenues for personal and professional growth. By choosing the right course, individuals can embark on fulfilling careers that align with their interests and contribute to the overall development of society. Education is a lifelong journey that cannot be determined with a single result.

The post The Best Courses for Grade C and Below in Kenya 2024 first appeared on viraleflare and is written by Steven Kabila

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Unveiling the Top 8 Elite Bonga Points Phones for a Smart Upgrade Wed, 10 Jan 2024 06:49:41 +0000 viraleflare

viraleflare - Creating a lifestyle of happiness

Are there still bonga points phones in 2024? Well, smartphones in some sick twisted fate have become part of our […]

The post Unveiling the Top 8 Elite Bonga Points Phones for a Smart Upgrade first appeared on viraleflare and is written by Steven Kabila


viraleflare - Creating a lifestyle of happiness

Are there still bonga points phones in 2024? Well, smartphones in some sick twisted fate have become part of our daily lives. It is however too obvious that staying ahead with the latest technology can be an exciting yet expensive endeavor this further explains why there are some many credit companies like MKOPA giving out smartphones on installments. Safaricom too aren’t left behind in this, if you are good enough to accumulate Bonga Points and not redeem them for airtime or data bundles, the journey to an upgraded device become more accessible and rewarding. There are so many smartphones at Safaricom shops that you can buy either by using your bonga points or bonga points plus cash.

In this blog post, I will take you through some of the best Bonga Points phones that promise a seamless blend of cutting-edge features and affordability.

Bonga points phones

It is however worth noting that Safaricom may choose to update the bonga points required from time to time. Here are some of the best bonga points phones you can get.

Huawei Y6 2017

The Huawei Y6 2017 is one of the best bonga points phones you can get from Safaricom. It is also a budget-friendly smartphone in case you opt to purchase it with cash without bonga points. If you choose to buy this Huawei with bonga points, you will need 51,700 bonga points to lay your hands on this state of the art device. The following are the features of Huawei Y6 2017;
2GB RAM (Read Access Memory)
5 Inch HD Display
16GB ROM with SD slot
13MP rear camera
5MP front camera
3000mAh Battery

bonga points phones
Bonga points phones/huawei Y6 2017

Oppo A37


8MP rear camera
5MP front camera
2630 mAh Battery

Bonga Points phones
Bonga Points phones/Oppo A37

The Oppo A37 comes with only one disadvantage—most of this model do not have play store they come with the Chinese version of playstore.For just 53,300 bonga points you can get this Oppo from Safaricom shops.

Tecno Camon 17

The Tecno Camon 17 is not just one of the best bonga points phones you can get but also one of the best phones Tecno ever made. It impresses with its camera capabilities, sleek design, and decent performance. Packed with features that cater to photography enthusiasts on a budget, this device offers a compelling option in the mid-range smartphone market. For the Camon 17, you will need 10,000 bonga points plus cash of Ksh 18899.

Bonga points phones
Bonga points phones/Tecno camon 17


6.6-Inch IPS LCD Display
48MP main camera
16MP front camera
5000 mAh Battery
Android 11

Samsung Galaxy A73 5G

40,000 bonga points and cash of Ksh 46,999 gets you this Samsung Galaxy A73 5G.This Samsung Galaxy A73 5G is another amazing addition to the best bonga points phones, offering an impressive combination of features that make it stand out in its class. As a proud member of Samsung’s A-series, the A73 5G manages to strike an excellent balance between performance and design.

Bonga points phones
Bonga points phones/Samsung Galaxy A73 5G


6.7-inch Super AMOLED display with FHD+ resolution.
5000mAh Battery
5G connectivity
32MP front camera

Nokia G21

15,000 bonga points plus cash of Ksh 18,999.

Bonga points phones
Bonga points phones/Nokia G21


6.5-inch HD+ display
50MP main camera
5000mAh Battery

Samsung Galaxy J3 LTE

The Samsung Galaxy J3 LTE is quite a commendable smartphone for anyone willing to buy using bonga points. While it may not boast the bells and whistles of flagship models, the J3 LTE impresses with its reliability and essential functionalities.51, 700 bonga points are what you need to purchase this device.

Bonga Points phones
Bonga Points phones/J3 LTE


8MP rear camera
5MP front camera
2600mAh Battery

Infinix Note 8i

14,000 bonga points plus cash of Ksh 13,999.


Bonga Points phones
Bonga Points phones/Infinix note 8i

5200mAh Battery
6.78-inch HD+ display
48 MP main camera
Android 10

Samsung Galaxy A03 Core

You will need 6000 bonga points to buy the A03 core from Safaricom.

Bonga Points phones
Bonga Points phones/A03 core


720 x 1600 pixels HD+ Display
3000mAh Battery
8MP rear camera
5MP front camera

Infinix smart 6 plus

The Infinix Smart 6 Plus boasts a sleek and modern design that belies its budget-friendly status. The device features a large 6.6-inch display with thin bezels, providing an immersive viewing experience. The build quality is commendable, with a sturdy feel in hand, and the slim profile makes it easy to handle. Once you have Ksh 10999 in cash you will need to top it up with 8000 bonga points to have this Infinix.


720 x1600 pixels HD+ display
5000mAh Battery

Bonga points phones
Bonga points phones/Infinix Smart 6 plus

Additional Features:
Infinix includes a few extra features that add value to the Smart 6 Plus, such as a rear-mounted fingerprint sensor for convenient unlocking and a face unlock feature for added security.

Bonga Points are now just a vital as having cash in your bank account. With enough bonga points, you can now upgrade your smartphone without denting your wallet. The advantage of these Safaricom bonga point phones is that they cut across all preferences, whether you are a fan of Samsung, Huawei, Nokia, or Infinix device, they got your back.

The post Unveiling the Top 8 Elite Bonga Points Phones for a Smart Upgrade first appeared on viraleflare and is written by Steven Kabila

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