Benefits of playing chess

9 Extraordinary Benefits of Playing Chess


The game that dates back to 16th century has stood the test of time but what are the benefits of playing chess. Chess is a board game played on a 64 square board.
We look at 9 benefits of playing chess.


Concentrating long enough while playing the game of chess requires patience. Playing chess and
patience is one and the same thing, one makes you better at the other.
As the game involves careful planning and strategic thinking, and can time to play.
Patience helps a player to stay focused and not make hasty moves, which can lead to mistakes and
a loss of the game.

Patience is one of the proven 9 benefits of playing chess.


Playing chess enhances your logical perspectives. Chess requires strategic thinking and planning,
which can improve logical reasoning and problem-solving skills. The game trains the mind to
think ahead and consider potential outcomes, thereby enhancing cognitive abilities.


Chess aids in boosting concentration levels. Good chess players have trained their minds to
concentrate longer enough to spot 8 moves ahead. Training your mind to see moves a head puts
your concentration level a notch higher than non-chess players.

Benefits of playing chess
Benefits of playing chess


Chess helps in retaining information for longer periods. Playing chess requires remembering and
visualizing various board positions, pieces and moves, enhancing cognitive skills such as
concentration, pattern recognition and problem solving. This in the long run improves your


Playing chess directly impacts how one thinks through problem solving. Many have argued that
chess positively impacts your IQ but no study has proved that just yet. Chess impact on IQ is the
least of the 9 benefits of playing chess.

Mathematical thinking

Playing chess has these little math calculations which most chess players do not realize improves their mathematical thinking. For instance, in a middle game while playing chess you are most likely going to trade materials but only if you do the right calculations, you will remain materials up and with an advantage.


Chess is a game of emotions and psychology. To control all that you need self-control. Chess ultimately improves how you control yourself. A perfect example is by not falling into traps by the opponent.

Problem Solving

The game of chess is all about finding solutions to problems set by your opponent. Problem solving is one of the benefits of playing chess that is transferable to real life.


Finding, recognizing and mastering patterns in a game of chess is one of the surest ways to improve your creativity even in real life.

Chess for a long time has been associated with intelligence. Some of these 9 benefits of playing chess may sound fluke but they have been proven by scientists and research.

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